Test directory: Activated Part. Throm. Time (APTT)

Ordering Code516
Test NameActivated Part. Throm. Time (APTT)
AliasActivated Part. Thromboplastin Time
PTT Activation
Preferred SpecimenWhole Blood
Preferred ContainerCitrate, 3.2% (Lt Blue)
Other Specimen/ContainerPlasma in Citrate, 3.2% (Lt Blue)
Optimum VolumeWhole Blood: Entire tube
Plasma: 1.0 mL
Collection InstructionsDraw full tube
Mix tube well.
Handling InstructionsPTT may be affected by freezing. Optimal specimen is whole blood at room temperature. If sending plasma: double centrifuge to produce platelet-poor plasma, avoid the
WBC/platelet buffy layer, separate and freeze at -20 deg C immediately. Do NOT thaw once specimen is frozen.
Transport RequirementsOn Oahu: Ambient if Whole Blood and testing is done
within 10 hours.
Airline: Frozen (Plasma)
Note: Send Frozen Plasma if testing will be done >10 hours
from collection.
Specimen StabilityAmbient: 10 Hours
Refrigerated: Not Stable
Frozen: 2 Weeks Plasma
Rejection CriteriaClotted, Contaminated, Hemolyzed, Overfilled tube, Specimen older than stability limits, Underfilled tube, Collected in the wrong anticoagulant, Mislabeled
Avail. StatYES
Analytic Time1 Day
MethodologyClot Detection

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Activated Part. Throm. Time (APTT)ALL25.1-36.5>= 200.125.1-36.5>= 200.1secs