Test directory: Ova & Parasite, Concentrate/Smear

Ordering Code5216
Test NameOva & Parasite, Concentrate/Smear
AliasO & P, Feces
Amoebiasis, O & P
O & P, Non-Stool
Preferred SpecimenStool
Preferred ContainerPaired 10% formalin & PVA vial or a single Total-Fix vial
Sputum and BAL in a sterile screw-capped container, unpreserved or in 10% formalin to increase stability
Urine in sterile screw-capped container.
Optimum VolumeBronch Wash or Lavage/Sputum: 10 mL
Urine: 25 mL
Collection InstructionsPlace fresh stool in 10% formalin vial, as well as PVA transport medium, within 30 minutes of collection. Add stool to bring the liquid level to the "fill to here" line on the vial. Mix well. Send specimen(s) at room temperature in the same shipping container. If parasite infestation is strongly suspected, collect at least 3 stool specimens every other day, since a single specimen can be negative
Sputum: The specimen should be a deep expectorated specimen, preferably collected in the early morning. A 24-hour sputum collection is also acceptable
Urine: Urine may be submitted unpreserved for Schistosoma
Collect mid-day. Peak egg secretion occurs between noon and 3pm. DO NOT SUBMIT FIRST MORNING SPECIMEN. In patients with hematuria, eggs may be found trapped in blood and mucous in the terminal portion (last-voided portion) of the urine specimen.
Transport RequirementsBronch Wash or Lavage/Sputum: Transport according to
stability conditions
Urine: Oahu: Refrigerated, Airline: Refrigerated
Specimen StabilityStool:
Preserved: Ambient: 6 Months, Refrigerated: 6 Months,
Frozen: Unacceptable
Bronch Wash or Lavage/Sputum:
Preserved: Ambient: 6 Months, Refrigerated: Unacceptable,
Frozen: Unacceptable
Unpreserved: Ambient: Unacceptable, Refrigerated: 48 Hours,
Frozen: Unacceptable
Ambient: Not Stable, Refrigerated: 48 Hours,
Frozen: Not Stable
Rejection CriteriaExpired container/transport media, Frozen,
Unpreserved stool, Specimens containing barium, Stool preserved in a medium other than parasitology fixative,
Preserved urine, Unpreserved sputum and urine received room temperature or frozen, Liver abscess or aspirate, Ecofix
Transport vials
Avail. StatNO
Analytic TimeUp to 10 Days
MethodologyMicroscopic Examination of Concentrate and Permanent
Stained Smear
Reference Lab Quest Diagnostic Lab-NI

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Source:ALLSee report.
TrichromeALLSee report.
ConcentrateALLSee report.