Test directory: Immunofixation Electrop.,Urine w/Interpretation

Ordering Code245
Test NameImmunofixation Electrop.,Urine w/Interpretation
AliasUrine IFE w/Interpretation
Bence Jones IFEU w/Interpretation
UIFE w/Interpretation
Preferred SpecimenUrine, 24 Hour
Preferred Container2 U (Urine Container)
Optimum Volume20 mL
Collection Instructions24 Hour Urine: Keep refrigerated during collection. Record entire 24 Hr Vol on container and requisition. No preservatives added
Random Urine specimen is accepted. First morning specimen is preferred.
Handling Instructions24 Hour Urine: Send a well-mixed 20-50 mL aliquot of specimen
Send frozen if transport time >7 days.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Refrigerated
Airline: Refrigerated
Specimen StabilityRefrigerated: 7 Days
Frozen: 30 Days
Avail. StatNO
Analytic Time6 Days