Test directory: Metanephrines, 24Hr Urine

Ordering Code301
Test NameMetanephrines, 24Hr Urine
AliasMetanephrines, Fractionated
Preferred SpecimenUrine, 24 Hour
Preferred Container24 Hour Urine Container
Ok to add preservative after collection.
Other Specimen/ContainerUrine without preservative is acceptable only if pH<6 and sample is shipped frozen.
Optimum Volume10 mL
Collection InstructionsKeep refrigerated during collection
Patient age & sex required on requisition
Patient should avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.) and nicotine (tobacco) for 3 days prior to specimen collection. It is preferable for the patient to be off medications for 3 days prior to collection. Medications which are alpha agonists (Aldomet), alpha blockers (Dibenzyline) should be avoided 18-24 hr prior to collection. Common antihypertensives (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, alpha and beta blockers) cause minimal or no interference.
Handling InstructionsAdjust to pH<3 with 6N HCl.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Refrigerated
Airline: Refrigerated
Specimen StabilityUnpreserved urine:
Ambient: Unacceptable
Refrigerated: Unacceptable
Frozen: 30 Days
Preserved urine:
Ambient: 10 Days
Refrigerated: 14 Days
Frozen: 90 Days
Rejection CriteriaUrine collected with boric acid
Avail. StatNO
Analytic TimeUp to 6 Days
MethodologyChromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Reference Lab Quest Diagnostic Lab-NI

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Total VolumeALLSee report.
MetanephrineALLSee report.
NormetanephrineALLSee report.
Total MetanephrinesALLSee report.