Test directory: Vitamin C

Ordering Code334
Test NameVitamin C
AliasAscorbic Acid
Preferred SpecimenSerum
Preferred ContainerSST (Gold)
Other Specimen/ContainerPlasma in Sodium Heparin (Green), Serum in Plain (Red)
Optimum Volume2 mL
Collection InstructionsFasting specimen preferred but not required
Patient should refrain from eating fruits and taking vitamin C supplements 24 hours prior to collection.
Handling InstructionsCentrifuge to separate within 1 hour of collection. Submit aliquot specimen in an Amber Transport Tube (or aliquot tube that is wrapped in foil to protect from light). Freeze
Once frozen, do not allow specimen to thaw
For temporary transfer, it is ok to transfer at -20 degrees or on dry ice
Specimen must be received at Central laboratory within the same day of receipt to store at -70 degrees.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Frozen
Airline: Frozen
Specimen StabilityAmbient: Not Stable
Refrigerated: Not Stable -20 Degrees: 8 Hours -70 Degress: 35 Days
Rejection CriteriaHemolyzed, Lipemic, Not protected from light, Thawed,
Received ambient or refrigerated
Avail. StatNO
Analytic TimeUp to 10 Days
MethodologyLiquid Chromatography/ Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
Reference Lab Quest Diagnostic Lab-NI

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Vitamin CALLSee report.