Test directory: Amino Acid Analysis, Plasma

Ordering Code6018
Test NameAmino Acid Analysis, Plasma
Preferred SpecimenPlasma
Preferred ContainerSodium Heparin (Green)
Other Specimen/ContainerPlasma in EDTA, K2 (Lavender), Plasma in Lithium Heparin (Green)
Optimum Volume2.5 mL
Collection InstructionsCollect plasma specimens after an overnight fast (or at least 4 hours after a meal)
Non-fasting samples are acceptable for pediatric patients
Age must be provided for the interpretation and age related reference ranges to print on the report.
Handling InstructionsSeparate and freeze immediately.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Refrigerated
Airline: Frozen
Specimen StabilityAmbient: Not Stable
Refrigerated: 7 Days
Frozen: 30 Days
Rejection CriteriaAmbient, Grossly hemolyzed
Avail. StatNO
Analytic Time7 Days
MethodologyChromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Reference Lab Quest Diagnostics Infectious Disease

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Date of BirthALLSee report.
Aspartic AcidALLSee report.
Glutamic AcidALLSee report.
SerineALLSee report.
AsparagineALLSee report.
GlycineALLSee report.
GlutamineALLSee report.
Beta-AlanineALLSee report.
TaurineALLSee report.
HistidineALLSee report.
CitrullineALLSee report.
ThreonineALLSee report.
AlanineALLSee report.
ArginineALLSee report.
ProlineALLSee report.
1-MethylhistidineALLSee report.
3-MethylhistidineALLSee report.
EthanolamineALLSee report.
ValineALLSee report.
MethionineALLSee report.
CystathionineALLSee report.
IsoleucineALLSee report.
LeucineALLSee report.
HomocystineALLSee report.
TryptophanALLSee report.
OrnithineALLSee report.
HydroxyprolineALLSee report.
PhenylalanineALLSee report.
TyrosineALLSee report.
Alpha-Aminoadipic AcidALLSee report.
SarcosineALLSee report.
Gamma-Aminobutyric AcidALLSee report.
Beta-Aminoisobutyric AcidALLSee report.
Alpha-Aminobutyric AcidALLSee report.
LysineALLSee report.