1 L (EDTA - Lavender Top) 1 LL (EDTA - Large Lavender) 1 NH (Na Heparin - Dk. Green)
Collection Instructions
Notify and deliver specimens to QFLOW Immediately ** I M M E D I A T E D E L I V E R Y R E Q U I R E D ** Blood: 5mL NA+ Hep or ACD and 5mL EDTA. Send w/Blood FNA: Sterile container or in media Bone Marrow: Sterile container
Handling Instructions
Notify and deliver specimens to QFLOW Immediately ** I M M E D I A T E D E L I V E R Y R E Q U I R E D ** Blood: 5mL Na+ Hep or ACD and 5mL EDTA. Send w/Blood FNA: Sterile container or in media Bone Marrow: Sterile container