Test directory: Aldosterone/Renin Activity Ratio

Ordering Code7749
Test NameAldosterone/Renin Activity Ratio
Preferred SpecimenPlasma
Preferred ContainerEDTA, K2 (Lavender)
Optimum Volume2 mL
Collection InstructionsCollect a mid-morning blood sample after patient has been upright (sitting, standing, or walking) for a minimum of 2 hours, then have them sit 5-15 mins prior to collection.
Handling InstructionsCentrifuge and separate plasma at ambient temperature and
FREEZE immediately.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Frozen
Airline: Frozen
Specimen StabilityAmbient: 24 Hours
Refrigerated: 24 Hours
Frozen: 28 Days
Rejection CriteriaPlasma collected in plasma separator tube, Moderate to gross hemolysis, Received thawed
Avail. StatNO
Analytic Time7 Days
MethodologyChromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Reference Lab Quest Diagnostic Lab-NI

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
AldosteroneALLSee report.
Aldosterone/PRA RatioALLSee report.
Plasma Renin ActivityALLSee report.