Test directory: FibroTest-ActiTest, Serum

Ordering Code7832
Test NameFibroTest-ActiTest, Serum
AliasHCV FibroSure, Liver Fibrosis
Hepatic Fibrosis
Hepatic Inflammation
Preferred SpecimenSerum
Preferred ContainerSST (Gold)
Optimum Volume3 mL
Handling InstructionsCentrifuge and aliquot serum within 2 hours of collection
Centrifuged serum must be light protected within 4 hours of collection.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Frozen
Airline: Frozen
Specimen StabilityAmbient: 24 Hours
Refrigerated: 7 Days
Frozen: 14 Days
Stability is based on serum being protected from light.
Rejection CriteriaHemolyzed, Icteric, Lipemic, Patients <2 years of age
Avail. StatNO
Analytic TimeUp to 7 Days
MethodologyTurbidimetric Immunoassay, Nephelometry
Reference Lab Mayo Medical Lab

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Bilirubin, Total, SALLSee report.
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), SALLSee report.
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, SALLSee report.
Apolipoprotein A1, SALLSee report.
Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT), SALLSee report.
Haptoglobin, SALLSee report.
FibroTest ScoreALLSee report.
FibroTest StageALLSee report.
FibroTest InterpretationALLSee report.
ActiTest ScoreALLSee report.
ActiTest GradeALLSee report.
ActiTest InterpretationALLSee report.
BioPredictive Serial NumberALLSee report.