Test directory: Sequential 2

Ordering Code8344
Test NameSequential 2
AliasAFP, Maternal
Down Syndrome
Preferred SpecimenSerum
Preferred ContainerSST (Gold)
Optimum Volume5 mL
Collection InstructionsCollect in serum separator tube with gel barrier. Allow blood to clot, avoiding hemolysis. Separate serum from cells by centrifugation. Transport spun tube to testing laboratory. Pour off is not advised. Maternal serum specimens must be drawn prior to amniocentesis to avoid contamination with fetal blood.
Handling InstructionsFor test inquiries, call CMBP genetic services at 800-345-4363. Patient must have submitted a previous specimen in the first trimester for the
Sequential 1 test. Gestational age will be based on crown rump length provided with the first trimester specimen. Patient information may be provided to the laboratory using the Maternal
Prenatal Screening test request form 0900.
Testing is provided from 15.0 to 21.9 weeks of gestation.
Transport RequirementsOahu: Ambient
Airline: Ambient
Specimen StabilityAmbient: 7 Days
Refrigerated: 14 Days
Frozen: 14 Days
Rejection CriteriaGross hemolysis, Gross lipemia, Quantity not sufficient for analysis, Improper specimen type
Avail. StatNO
Analytic Time4 - 7 Days
MethodologyChemiluminescent immunoassay
Reference Lab Esoterix Genetic Laboratories, LLC

Reference range(s)

ComponentAgeMale NormMale Critical LowMale Critical HighFemale NormFemale Critical HighFemale Critical LowUnitsAdd'l info
Additional USALLSee report.
AFP MoMALLSee report.
AFP ValueALLSee report.
Collected OnALLSee report.
Collected OnALLSee report.
CRL ScanALLSee report.
CRL Scan Twin BALLSee report.
Crown Rump LengthALLSee report.
Crown Rump Length Twin BALLSee report.
DIA MoMALLSee report.
DIA ValueALLSee report.
Down SyndromeALLSee report.
Down SyndromeALLSee report.
Down Syndrome InterpretationALLSee report.
Gest. Age on Collection DateALLSee report.
Gestational AgeALLSee report.
hCG MoMALLSee report.
hCG ValueALLSee report.
Insulin Dep DiabetesALLSee report.
Maternal Age at EDDALLSee report.
Note:ALLSee report.
NT MoM Twin BALLSee report.
NT Twin BALLSee report.
Nuchal Translucency (NT)ALLSee report.
Nuchal Translucency MoMALLSee report.
Number of FetusesALLSee report.
Open Spina BifidaALLSee report.
OSB InterpretationALLSee report.
PAPP-A MoMALLSee report.
PAPP-A ValueALLSee report.
PDFALLSee report.
RaceALLSee report.
ResultsALLSee report.
Sonographer ID#ALLSee report.
Test Results:ALLSee report.
Trisomy 18ALLSee report.
Trisomy 18ALLSee report.
Trisomy 18 InterpretationALLSee report.
uE3 MoMALLSee report.
uE3 ValueALLSee report.
WeightALLSee report.
WeightALLSee report.